Game of thrones games pc
Game of thrones games pc

game of thrones games pc

Shooting and looting is now done in a fantasy world full of sprawling environments, from snowy mountains to castle interiors. "Shredder's Revenge" pays homage to classic "Ninja Turtles" experiences like the original Konami arcade game and "Turtles In Time." For instance, the classic move of throwing foot soldiers directly at the screen appears at the end of its reveal trailer in all its glory. Even more exciting is the implementation of 4-player co-op, which will allow characters like April O'Neil to get in on the action. It's very apparent that the team working on "Shredder's Revenge" has a deep love for the source material. Reinforcing this sense of good will is how the game's trailers have embraced the original animated series and 16-bit games. Try not to get excited when you hear the classic TV theme song play while the turtles, Splinter, and Rocksteady and Bebop interact onscreen. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge" arrives from DotEmu, the company responsible for resurrecting beloved franchises like "Wonder Boy" and "Streets of Rage." With this in mind, it's safe to say the franchise is in good hands.

Game of thrones games pc